
A geofence is a perimeter boundary created around the location of a smartphone or other device, based on GPS or RFID signals. Geofencing has mainly been used to allow advertisers to send targeted messages to users who enter their area. However, it has applications for home automation too, systems can be set to turn on or off based on whether or not the home is within the user’s geofence.

The main benefit of using geofencing in conjunction with a smart thermostat is that it eliminates the need to schedule. Instead of having to program the thermostat to turn on or off around the times you typically enter or leave your home on a given day, you can keep your schedule flexible, relying on the location of the geofence to tell the HVAC system whether it needs to be on or off.

Better Targeting

The ability to hyper-target prospects you’ll not only be able to reach folks at the right time and at the right place but be able to engage them with messaging that is relevant and timely.

Power Consumption

Use a larger geofence radius for locations where a user spends a significant amount of time, such as home or work. While a larger radius doesn't directly

Spend Effectiveness

When your advertising is hyper-targeted, and sent at the right time and right place, your engagement numbers go up. With geofencing, you’re spending marketing dollars.

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